Loading nested AssetReferences with Parent at once

Hello all.
I wonder if it is possible to load all nested dependencies together with the parent adressable at once.
In example:
LocationAsset - adressable SO from BundleGroup 1.
MonsterAsset - adressable SO from BundleGroup 2.
– MonsterSkillsAsset - nested adressable SO from BundleGroup 2.

I’ve set [SerializeField] AssetReferenceT inside LocationAsset. Now every time I LoadAssetAsync, I have to later manually load MonsterAsset from it as well and then MonsterSkillsAsset (and so on). I wonder if it is possible to load everything at once (best scenario - something “magic” method, that automatically load all nested AssetReferences when parent is Loaded).

And yes, I know I can write own “magic” method, just wondering if there is already a built-in solution :slight_smile:


You’d only have to load it if you have addressable references to these other SO’s.

If you have direct references they’ll be loaded in when the top-most object is.