Loading prefab from local disc file

Hi, sorry about last topic, but I didnt find how to delete it…

I have a problem, I cant find solution on: how to load prefab from a file on a local disc USING SCRIPT? I’d like to use prefab from 2DTutorial, but I can only import them by mouse and I’d like to do it automatly by script…

The only way doing so is using asset bundles and thus requiring pro. given we talk about the game running later.
otherwise they must be within the Resources folder, then you can create them purely through script but they are not “on disk” but part of the project

for the editor there is nothing like this at all as prefabs only are prefabs if they are within the assets folder, the rest of the world does not exist.

But the task is to use (for example) already done Level_Platform (from 2DTutorialProject) by script to create entire new level of the game. I can do that by using crates or cubes, but not by Level_Platform (because I cant add it Level_Platform by adding an object)