loading progress scene slows down game framerate

Hello! I’ve created an empty scene to show the loading progress of my game. It contains only a gui Texture that changes basing the async.progress percentage. All works correctly but when the real game begins now it has very low fps (maybe 3-4 fps). Before i added this “loading scene” everything run smoothly. This is the code, am i forgetting something? Do i need to unload the loading scene somehow?

var async: AsyncOperation;
var progress : float;
var loading : Texture[];
var x : int;

function Start () {
    async = Application.LoadLevelAsync("MyGame");

function Update() {
	progress = async.progress;
	if (progress < 0.2) {
		x = 0;
	if (progress > 0.2) {
		x = 1;
	if (progress > 0.4) {
		x = 2;
	if (progress > 0.6) {
		x = 3;
	if (progress > 0.8) {
		x = 4;
	if (progress > 0.9) {
		x = 5;

function OnGUI() {
	GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(100,100,100,100), loading[x]);

I’ve found out that was an audio problem, nothing to do with the async loading! sorry!