I haven’t been able to find any good suggestions or tutorials on how to structure a JSON for lots of similar objects. I’ve seen a lot of saving entire game states, but in my case, I’m making a trading game and will need to load specific items, and later down the line will need to save the positions and inventories of vehicles.
Should I put everything in separate JSON files? A file with 1 extremely long list and an enum to know what index to reference? Or is there some other function entirely that I’m missing?
The general structure is something like this
"Wheat": {
"Icon": "Icon_Wheat",
"Weight": 10,
"BaseValue": 10,
"Type": 1,
"TimeUntilSpoilage": 40,
"SpoiltName": "SpoiltWheat"
"SpoiltWheat": {
"Icon": "Icon_Spoilt_Wheat",
"Weight": 10,
"BaseValue": 2,
"Type": 1,
"TimeUntilSpoilage": -1,
"SpoiltName": ""