Loading sounds through code.

Hi, I’am relative newbie to Unity, I’am following an Arkanoid’s tutorial:
I have some levels (each level is a scene), and all of them uses the same 5 sounds. When I want to play the wavs, i use the standart way:

1- Create a a serialized field for the audio clip.
Example : [SerializeField] AudioClip ballFailClip;
2- Drag and drop the wav clip in the field, in the editor.
3- Play through code:
Example: AudioManager.Instance.PlaySoundEffect(ballFailClip, 0.5f);

No problem at all, but I would like to know if there is a way lo load or get a reference to the audio files only through code without the necessity of drag an drop in the serialized fields each level.

I have try some examples but without luck.

Thx in Adv.

It sounds like this is what you’re after:

Thx; That’s what I needed.