As a test for a project I’m working on I loaded 40 jpgs into the addressables system and attempted to load them into a list at the start of my scene, I also put these images into a folder in streaming assets and used File.ReadAllBytes to load them into a list at the start of my scene as well.
Addressables took about 3-4 seconds to log out that it had completed loading the files, where as just loading directly from streaming assets was practically instant.
Is this expected behavior of the addressables system?
Try disabling the CRC checks on the addressables, that will save time.
Furthermore try experimenting if pack seperately or pack together makes a difference.
I’ve disabled CRC checks, compression, and tried different packing methods. I am able to get the load down to around 1.5 seconds measured with the Stopwatch, loading each file via File.ReadAllBytes still is able to load them in .15 seconds. I assume this is because of the overhead of loading an asset bundle, but is there anyway to mitigate this?
Of course loading directly from file will be much faster than loading through any system, simply due to extra overhead. If you want to test the speed of addressables, you should really be comparing it to something comparable, like plain assetbundles or other third party asset management systems.