Loading XML

Hi all, first heres part of the code I’ve written

	private string[] xmlPaths = new string[] { 

	void Start () {
		LoadEstatesXml (Application.dataPath + xmlPaths [0]);

	void LoadEstatesXml (string xmlPath)
		xmlDoc = new XmlDocument ();
		xmlDoc.LoadXml (File.ReadAllText (xmlPath));
		xmlNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode ("district");

When I run on my PC, it works fine as I can get the path C:/Users/Public/Documents/…/HK_Island_Estates.xml
However when I run on Android, I got error:
Could not find a part of the path "/data/app/com.myTest.Game.apk/GameData/MapXML/HK_Island_Estates.xml

Could anyone advise why is this happening?

Do you create the xml in script or by yourself? If not by script, the android version probably doesn’t have the xml files.

The XML are prepared outside the script and I’ve put them under the GameData folder as in the Unity3D editor (in the Project panel)
Will it not work?