Loadingscreen and play Level when initialized completely

I don’t understand this method:

With this method, I am able to load a level while playing another level, right?
But how do I get the status, if this level is loaded?
And how do I switch into this Level?

Another issue I have is, that my current level (which I want to load inside a “level loader”) starts before all of my objects are initialized completely.

My scene plays an animation and a sound at the beginning - but the animation is jerking around, the sound sounds fine.

Is it possible to load and initialize the level completely before playing anything of this things (is there a method like “LevelIsCompletelyLoaded” for example)?


You need to look into the following methods:

AsyncOperation - which includes progress and isDone.

So you will have to use the DontDestoryOnLoad because as soon as all the elments of the new seen are loaded it will replace the current scene. You can track progress on the new seen loading with AsyncOperation.