Hi, I’m still wondering how to make a loading screen for a game. What I made is so far is that it “can” grab the progress but the LoadLevelAsync.progress goes from 0 - 90 only.
function Update () {
var ao : AsyncOperation;
if(ao != null && !ao.isDone)
Prog.text =("Loading..." + (ao.progress * 100).ToString());
function LoadLevelAsync () {
ao = Application.LoadLevelAsync(Level);
Is there a way to read accurate progress, or just a better way?
But yes, I have noticed it does like to pause for a bit around 90%, then complete. I think that last 10% is considered the actual initialization of all the just loaded objects. And it completes the following frame. Such an action happens between frames… so polling every frame it’d appear as if it jumped from 90->100, because you can’t actually poll it mid initialization of those objects.
Is this really all that important? If all you want this for is so you can show a ‘100% complete’ message on screen. Well after it’s done loading, keep the ‘loading screen’ on screen for extra seconds, display 100%, and then fade it out.