loadlevelasync progress bar help

	AsyncOperation async;

        IEnumerator coRoutine_loadByName()
		while (async.progress<1)
			label.Text=(async.progress*100).ToString()+" %";
                        print(async.progress.toString()); //always zero
			yield return 0;

why async.progress never gets updated while the level is loading?
is it a bug?

from that i have read it only returns 0 or 1 which makes it kind of useless for progress bars.

I have to say “LOL” very useful…

What is the size of the level you are loading asyncronously? Is it too small?

it loads in 4-5s on iphone 3gs…
do you think it depends on that?

I am serious about it only returning 0 or 1. If anyone has got it to return floats which you can use a percentage please speak up because everything I have read/tried says it only returns 0 or 1.

Hmm. I thought it was but, 4 seconds is way enough to show the progress.

This does not seem logical. If it only returns 0 or 1, why did they call it “progress”? Unity already has a isDone attribute for the operation. That is enough to have zero or one.

On the other hand that progress thing did not give any different result than 0 on my try, either ! Weird.

I agree it is very frustrating, especially since it says it a float.

This has been confirmed as a bug a long time ago, I guess the priority of it isn’t that high.

I guess your loading screen won’t have a progress bar, just animate something different…

yes, this is a known issue. Developers are going to work on it hopefully for 3.5 release. Thanks.
Denis Simuntis
Test Engineer

What a pain. +1 here for needing it fixed in Pro 3.5.

It return float. My code returned 0.9. But it seems that the isdone doesn’t work. :
I’m still stocked on figure out how to make my progression bar works :\