LoadScene is very very slow when your game is splitted with OBB file

SceneManager.LoadScene is very slow when my game is not compiled in 1 APK file (Android), but it is splitted in OBB file.

I tried many things to improve loading speed, like putting everything that was in Start() into a Coroutine, but nothing works.

If anyone has an idea why, or what I can do to improve it ?


I have the same problem… please helps :wink:

I created an Issue today, I’m waiting on their feedback.

I created a sample project that traces the load times on screen they can use for testing.

Reverting to Unity 5.3.6 keeps crashing the project on me…

Case 827927

same problem here, ut 5.4, publishing delayed because of this

I’ve had the same problem with loading a scene which uses live camera (AR with Kudan). In the split APK that scene loads about 20 times slower. I tried revision 5.4.3p but that made no difference. For now, I have patched it by making the AR scene load first-- I inserted a black screen that loads the menu scene OnEnable tied to a static variable bool, so that it only does it the first time (previously the menu scene had loaded first). This almost doubled the size of my APK (and correspondingly reduced the size of my OBB), and has fixed the problem. I now notice no slow loads… but definitely a work-around!

resolved in 5.4.2p1