Lobby documentation?

Lobby documentation (eg for NetworkLobbyManager and NetworkLobbyPlayer) seems to be a bit thin. So far I’ve figured out that you use NetworkLobbyManager instead of NetworkManager, and create a separate copy of your player prefab with a NetworkLobbyPlayer object attached. I haven’t figured out how to make the transition to the game scene though. There only seem to be buttons for removing players/setting not ready. Is this just not ready yet? If so, I’ll happily just focus on the other features that are already here. I can wait for lobby functionality.

If anyone’s got it working, though, I’d love to hear how.

Attached is a project that uses the NetworkLobbyManager. It includes the GuiLobbyManager that uses the new UI system to make a lobby. This is really the skeleton of a lobby UI, but it includes all the prefabs and scripts, so you can customize it.

There are some focus issues still in the UI, but eventually this could be made into an asset package that would be available as part of standard assets or on the asset store.

Also beta6 contain updated networking documentation including lobby documentation.

2105079–137958–NetworkStarter.zip (259 KB)