I work on “Lobby” and “Lobby Data”
Current lobby object’s data changes when run “LobbyService.Instance.UpdateLobbyAsync” method.
But as I said in my first post.: Players list doesn’t change.
Is there any road map to change this behavior?
Folks, This Lobby behavior is very strange.
When Host player change the “Public Lobby Data”; host’s current lobby instance’s “lobby data” is changing.
But other player’s current lobby instance’s “lobby data” doesn’t change!
Note: I don’t use “LocalLobby” structure and just want to understand Lobby behaviour.
The current expectation is that all of the players in your lobby will periodically poll the Lobby server to get the newest version of the lobby. If you call “UpdateLobbyAsync”, the player calling that will see the updated lobby, and likewise if you join a lobby as a player, the player will see themselves in the lobby. However, all other players will not know about any changes unless they are periodically calling “GetLobbyAsync” to refresh their local state. Unless you manually update your local copy of a lobby, it will not reflect the changes made by other players.
It is worth mentioning that real-time Lobby events are coming soon, meaning players will be able to get notified about other players’ changes without having to call “GetLobbyAsync”.
Hi bartj-unity.
I’m working on Lobby 1.1.0-pre.4 version.
So, I’m using “LobbyChanged” event for change local lobby instance like this.
Is this usage correct?
Hi bartj, thanks for replying. I fixed my issue by updating to the newest (pre-5) version of lobby after I found this other post: https://discussions.unity.com/t/915521
Apparently it was an issue on lobby’s side with something cache-related.
@bartj-unity If a lobby player kills the app or disconnects the internet other players do not get the OnPlayerLeftLobby event even after a timeout period. Please fix this. issue. Tested on android.
Using Lobby SDK version 1.1.0 Pre-5
I have the same problem, if player disconnects without leaving the lobby properly, lobby thinks the player never leaves. Disconnect removal time does not seem to work as I expect it to… surely the solution cant be to manually remove or kick a client that disconnects? Then finding the correct player to remove from the lobby would require to add clientID in the lobby options.