Local alternative to static variables?

Hi, I started making one of my first games like 1 year ago, and I actually liked that project, but it was a mess itself. So I decided to start it again from scratch, the game was a first person bomberman, at the moment, I am getting into the player stats, and I am using static variables for each stat, so it’s easier to set like the bomb power, and bomb count, and player speed from other scripts that may require those values, the thing is, I might in the future try to convert it into an online game, and as far as I know static variables can mess up the whole thing, so what’s the best way to send variables from one script to another without requiring assigning too much variables and sending a ton of messages? Also, I code in c#

Thanks in advance.

Instead of static vars, you can use public vars. Then you can access them by GetComponent. You may want to check script reference. This way you can control which script will access another.