Localization 1.5.1 + Unity 2022.3.22 and WebGL

Hello everyone,
I have recently encountered a “nice” bug described here and decided to update to 1.5.1 version of the localization package.
After the update, the WebGL build doesn’t start. It crashes on startup with System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The URI is empty exception and does not load.
I have created a new empty project, re-created with the simplest possible setup to use with Preloading Screen sample, and it still doesn’t work.

Can 1.5.1 even be used with current LTS version? Or it supposed to work only on 2023.3?

1.5.1 supports 2019.4 and above.
Could you please file a bug report? Unity QA: Building quality with passion

Here you go: IN-71811

To be completely honest, I’m so tired of this…
Basic stuff broken in a “release” build, this is not even a “pre” now.

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The bug is now confirmed Unity Issue Tracker - System.UriFormatException is thrown when building the Localization "Preloading Screen Example" in WebGL

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Thanks I have it. Ill take a look now. I suspect I will need to send it to the Addressables team.

Ok, I have identified the issue. Its caused by Application.absoluteURL being empty/null.
The problem is that when WebGL starts up it initializes some parts of the engine before it assigns the URL to absoluteURL, Localization is initializing as part of the project settings preloaded assets which is just before the URL is assigned. I have a fix to assign the URL earlier to fix the issue. It will require an update to Unity though, not the package.

So how we can get fix?

The fix is in 2022.3.25f1