I followed Localization manual’s quick start guide and tried to get string table addressable assets from AWS S3. I changed some entries at string table, updated addressables build, uploaded it to S3 and expected changed texts to be updated but only in the editor I can see updated texts not in the built program(both exe at windows and apk at android). Actually even before I upload addressable assets to S3 Localized texts are seen, so I think my app loads string table inside itself not from remote.
Did I miss any step for using Addressable assets at Localization?
It appears that there might be an issue with the configuration of Addressables. To troubleshoot, make sure to follow the instructions provided in the Unity documentation for Remote Content Distribution: Distribute remote content | Addressables | 1.21.21. If you continue to have difficulty, consider posting your question in the Addressables section of the Unity forum for further assistance: Unity Engine - Unity Discussions.
Thanks a lot for your reply! I’ve been reading the quick start guide again and found that I missed Localization Scene Controls step. However in my editor the string table icon at Scene Controls window doesn’t look like addressable asset. Does this mean my Addressable assets setting is wrong somewhere?
It seems unlikely that the issue you are experiencing is related to the icons changing. The Scene Controls window is used for content editing and preview, and would not affect the functionality of the player. Have you checked the log file for any error messages that might provide more information on the problem?
I tried playing my app without uploading addressable assets at remote. Editor player showed error log saying cannot find~~ at my AWS S3, and built exe file showed localized texts which I wrote before build. I checked every update string is Editor and Runtime. Could you let me know where I can check any more setting or log file?
Play mode script is set use existing build, I first built addressables using default build script, built windows target exe file, changed string table entry and built addressables using Update a previous build. In this case running at editor showed updated texts and emited several UnityEditor.Localization.UI.LocalizedStringPropertyDrawer errors. But running exe file did not show updated texts so I am assuming my exe file loads localized texts inside itself.
So you dont get any errors when running in the editor using AWS?
Do you have error messages in the running exe? Check the log file Unity - Manual: Log files
Sorry I found something that my device’s default locale name is not match and its parent locale. I will fix the locale name and try again. Thanks a lot for the kind guidelines.
I am still having same issue and found that it is because of the CRC Mismatch problem.
The error starts with this sentence.
Error while downloading Asset Bundle: CRC Mismatch.
My Unity editor version is 2021.3.1f1, Localization version 1.0.5 and addressable version 1.19.19.
Are there any know issue or any setting change I can make and have a test?
Try updating to localization 1.4.2. Then rebuild the addressables. You may need to manually edit the manifest.json file in the Packages folder to upgrade if it’s not showing in the package manager.
When I tried to use version 1.4.2, my string table and keys in there didn’t show up in the inspector. So I had to click Add Table Entry button and type in entries. How can I make the Localize string event component find existing table and key?
I tried to use addressables updated at both Localization version 1.4.3, 1.4.2 and seems like same issue still exists. Can I just use my string table addressable assets option ‘Asset Bundle CRC’ disabled?