Localization and addressables compatibility is nightmare

That makes a bunch of times that I have to recreate all the locales and string tables to be able to have them working in addressable.
It sometimes loses references, corrupts addressable groups and then you have to start all over again…
Would it be possible to make some script to replug tables in the right addressable groups? (actually this is possible with locales, deleting the group in Addressable groups, then re-adding all locales in localizationSettings, but this already seems to be a hacky way to fix that)
As locale addressable groups are made not editable you can’t configure it from editor to fix that, which should have been the easiest way I think. Seems like a buggy behaviour (I hope it is ^^’ )

By the way I tried resetting them in addressable groups by switching the group inspector to debug, remove read only, add entries, and re-enabling readonly, but it seems to not work. It ends up with no Key Id found (while I clearly see the key ids are the good ones) and console spamming about either tables not found or other stuff addressable related

Could you file a bug report with any issues you may have?
In 0.10.0 we have made some improvements, if you re-import a StringTableCollection or AssetTableCollection then it should fix any Addressables issues.

We made the group readonly because allowing for making changes is more likely to create bugs/errors. Our Addressables require very specific names and labels.
If you click the remove option in the collection and then add it should fix the addressables issues for you now except for the shared table data which is fine to add as a normal addressable(name and labels are not important for that)

I’m on the latest preview (0.9) and I have been struggling with this for days.

Why does this happen?

Excerpt from catalong.json

It’s not set to custom path, its set to LocalLoadPath

How can I fix this?

You should be able to edit it in the addressable editor. Select the locales group and edit the path.

You mean this one?

Shouldn’t load path be LocalLoadPath?

Seems to me like BuildPath is the one being used, which is a bug

Im not sure. We just create a default group for the Locales, we dont do anything with the build or load paths. So if its a bug then it will be on the Addressables side. Could you file a bug report so we can look into it?

Sure, case 1309120

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Did you have a chance to look at it? Is it a bug with my setup or in the build process itself?

Its still with QA. It takes a couple of days to work through them.
Ill ask the Addressables team if its a known issue

Addressables have managed to reproduce the issue. It is indeed an Addressables bug so once its fixed it should just be a case of updating to the latest Addressables package in the package manager for it to start working in Localization.

One thing we do change is the Bundle Naming. If you change it back to the default “Append hash to filename” then it should work until we can get a fix.

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Thanks for the quick response!

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