Hello, I am trying to setup localization. It works fine if I add the keys manually in string table. However, I want to connect to google sheets service provider. I have created project in google developer and create OAuth2 client secret. Now when I try to authorize I get “Window cannot find…” box. How can I fix it?
It should be opening a web browser at this point. What’s your default browser? Could there be something blocking it or causing a problem?
My default browser is Firefox. Is there anyway where I can force unity to open it in Firefox?
We are using the Google API. We call GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync, which by default will start a local server to authorize the token. Maybe something on your machine is preventing it, could be a firewall issue.
I’ll create a task to improve this so that you don’t need a local server.
Thanks, I think there is something wrong with my Unity. I tried open browser using unity hub → troubleshooting-> view documentation, but it doesn’t open anything. Re-installing it doesn’t help too. I don’t know how to solve this issue as there is no solution available online.
Could you share the hub log file?
It can be found at %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\UnityHub\logs
I solved the issue. Seems like I had to do a clean install. Thanks a lot for helping However I get this error:
How big is your data? How many languages and items are you pushing?
We do resize the grid but it sounds like something went wrong.
Its fixed now. I was using wrong names for columns, I was using “Key” for key column and Language names for locale column in editor. I changed them and now everything is perfect. Thanks a lot for guiding me to right direction.
Here is the correct setting for future reference. Its better to edit the spreadsheet online with correct column names and use “extract columns from sheet” option.