I make a localization for my game on Unity3d. I have a text file with russian text and file with the same english text. When I try to display rusian text, I can’t see it in the game, but english text I can see (if replace russian text to english on the same string). Why is it happens?
//===== script 'LoadTextFromFile ' ======
public TextAsset textFileButtonsEng;
public TextAsset textFileButtonsRus;
private string[] dialogLinesButtonsEng;
private string[] dialogLinesButtonsRus;
private int curentLanguageIndex = 1;
void Start()
// if file exists
if (textFileButtonsEng && textFileButtonsRus)
dialogLinesButtonsEng = (textFileButtonsEng.text.Split("
dialogLinesButtonsRus = (textFileButtonsRus.text.Split(”
public string GetLineOfText(string fileName, int lineNumber)
switch (fileName)
case "tasks":
if (curentLanguageIndex == 0)
return dialogLinesTasksEng[lineNumber];
else if (curentLanguageIndex == 1)
return dialogLinesTasksRus[lineNumber]; break;
//========== other script ==========
public Text textTipsTasksComponent;
public LoadTextFromFile loadTextFromFile;
textTipsTasksComponent.text = loadTextFromFile.GetLineOfText("tasks", 25);
It is Arial font and I can see russian text when type it by myself like on the screenshot below.