I do have a strange bug in my project. Localization files are not loading on Development Build APKs. Under other circumstances they work without a problem.
App Bundle Build → Working without a problem.
APK Build Settings
- Development Build
- Script Debugging
- Wait For Managed Debugger (tried both on/off)
- APK installed to Android Studio Emulator / BlueStacks → Localization not initializing
- APK installed to Physical Device (copy and paste to device then manually install) → Localization not initializing
- APK build on Physical Device using “Build and Run” → Localization WORKS (and this is the interesting part for me)
In the end, it appears to be a problem with the addressables.
Version List:
- Unity Editor → 2021.3.4f1
- Localization → 1.3.2
- Addressables → 1.19.19
- Emulator API Level → API 30
- Physical Device → Samsung S10+ on API31
Full logcat attached.
I don’t think it’s related but I was trying to implement Firebase Auth in this version (which is still not functional).
8374875–1104036–logCat.txt (43.9 KB)