Localization + Visual Scripting, Localized Property Value gets reset


I am trying to pass a Localized String/Asset Unit into the Visual Scripting graph, but whenever the graph loses focus, it clears the selected/initialized entry.

Here’s a link to a video for better explanation → https://youtu.be/6SXe6JPqh4k

Is there a dirty solution for this or just a general issue?

Kind regards,


This sounds like the serialized data is not being saved. The property drawer will be caching the selection but once you change focus the underlying data is not being saved, so the selection is lost. How is this value being saved into the graph?

No clue honestly, I tried marking components as dirty to force the scene to cache the values, but without luck, unfortunately.
Updating all packages to the latest version didn’t yield as well. (I was one version behind on the Localization package)

Can you share the project or an example one with some steps so I can reproduce it?

It’s an empty project with a Localization and Visual Scripting package installed through Package Manager.
I have a whole virtual training system underlying but it’s in separate assemblies being loaded at runtime from different project so it doesn’t play the role in this case :frowning_face:

Sorry I have not had a chance to look at this, I dont know how to use the Visual Scripting package.
Could you please file a bug report so we can get it looked at? Unity QA: Building quality with passion