I have a question about a Localization workflow. I’m developing same app for different clients. I set up different Build Profile for each client (with each build profile having its own set of branded scenes).
How should I handle a case where I want to have different Localization Settings/locales per Build Profile (per client)?
I thought one option would be to create a different Localization Settings for each build profile (client), but I’ve noticed that even if I do that, only one Localization Settings ScriptableObject is active in Project Settings and I can’t change it through the UI.
What if every build profile (client) has its own set of locales (one profile may need Swedish and another one may not; or one profile uses Specific Locale Selector: en and another Specific Locale Selector: pl)? Should I manage that on a Localization Settings level or Addressables, or is there another way? Should I have one Localization Settings with every locale my Build Profiles (clients) needs and will it then be included in every build?
Can you explain the correct workflow for my case? What should I know when having multiple “projects” (each with its own Build Profile) and needs inside one Unity project? Can someone break it down, please?