Localization works perfectly in editor, but doesnt work at all in build.

I have a small amount of localized strings, and I set them all to blank by default because the localization should give it a value. And everything works in the editor, but when I build the project, every string just shows blank. I ran the project in development mode, and I’m pretty sure I run into the error.
System.Exception: SelectedLocale is null
Operation.Exception: SelectedLocale is null

I went through a decent amount of other questions and couldnt really find an answer to my problem. I’m using Unity 2020.3.30f1 and Localization 1.2.1. If you would like to know anything else, or want to see the script im having trouble with please ask. Thanks

Did you build the addressable assets? Quick Start Guide | Localization | 1.2.1

Thank you, I feel really stupid now.