Localize Sprite Image not Loading

I was trying to add multiple languages support for my game and I have implemented this successfully within the project. But when I run my game within the android device, it can’t able to load localize sprite assets, as you are seeing below attached image.Though within the unity editor all seems to be working fine.

Also localize text is loading properly and displaying the content as like you are seeing in the above image.

Now let me show you my implementation for this:

Play Button Inspector:

Localization Table for Sprites:

Now give me some suggestion so I can show sprite assets for different languages.
Let me write one more time, within Unity Editor all things working properly. Just in android device build I am facing this issue.

Do you get any errors?
Does the asset table have preloading enabled? There is a bug with preloading that can cause this, disabling preload will fix it. We will also have a fix in 1.4.0

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From here I have disabled preloading of all tables.
8459954--1123148--disable preloading tables.png

But why are you stopping for preloading? because we need to preload all the assets.
Also now images change occurring runtime, you can see because of localization images are changing.

Its a bug in the preloading code when handling Asset Tables. We have a fix in the next release which is due next month.

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