Localize Unity4 xcode

Hi there.

I have a trouble.
I want to localize images on xcode4.5.
But I couldn’t find images file in unity build file xcode.
Where exist there?

Help me.

Localize is following.

I want to localize texture images what unity app has png files.
After building as iOS app, I search the resource texture png images files in xcode.
But can’t find.
Excuse me, Anyone help?

You cant find the image-files because Unity is packing all Resources in .assets container files.
Im not sure but maybe you can readout the localization files from inside the app with an plug-in and change out the used files in game with a script.
You can trow all files that are used in a localization context inside the Resources folder and load it at runtime according to your localization.

Very Nice! I could it! Thank you very much!