Localized Prices returning a Null Reference Exception in Android Device

I’ve set up the Shop page in my game to show localized prices depending on the user’s location within my buttons’ text fields. It works fine (as far as I know) in the editor, and displays $0.01 (default for the editor as far as I’m aware).

However, whenever I upload the app to my Play Console and run it on my Android device, I get the generic Null Reference error for whenever something’s empty, despite having my In-App products set up. As a result, it just shows the default text I have set on my buttons.

Am I missing something in my script? Or is there something else I need to do in my Play Console that I’m not aware of (I’ve uploaded screenshots of how my In-App products are set up in the console)?

This is my script for the shop (as pertains to the localized price display):

void Awake()
       removedAds = removeAdsTxt.GetComponent<Text>();     //Access the Remove Ads text
       unlockedLvls = unlockLvlsTxt.GetComponent<Text>();     //Access the Unlock Levels text
       unlockedSpecials = unlockSpecialsTxt.GetComponent<Text>();     //Access the Unlock Specials text

SetUpBuilder();     //Activate the product builder

       removedAds.text = "BUY - " + ReturnLocalizedPrice(noAdsItem.id);       //Show the localized price on the Remove Ads button
       unlockedLvls.text = "BUY - " + ReturnLocalizedPrice(unlockLevelsItem.id);       //Show the localized price on the Unlock Levels button
       unlockedSpecials.text = "BUY - " + ReturnLocalizedPrice(unlockSpecialsItem.id);       //Show the localized price on the Unlock Specials button

public string ReturnLocalizedPrice(string id)// Product id
       Product p = m_StoreController.products.WithID(id);
       decimal price = p.metadata.localizedPrice;
       string code = p.metadata.isoCurrencyCode;
       return price + " " + code;