Localizing keyboard keys for different keyboards/languages?

Hi there!

I’ve made a input setup screen on my game, where players are free to choose what keyboard keys are desired to play with.

But I’m working with localization, which means I can not just call some key like “Left Alt”. A correct localized key name should be in place.

But the problem extends itself. If the player uses a non-wasd keyboard? Or a russian/chinese/arabic keyboard? How should those localizations be addressed?

Is A the same A key on other keyboards?
Things like this. Someone here worked with something like this before?




No one had this issue before? Or I’m overthinking somehting?

Assuming they have their keyboard correctly chosen in their operating system, then an A key is an A key no matter where it is placed on the keyboard. Are you trying to show a picture of where the keys on their keyboard are positioned?

Did you find a solution for this? I’m trying to do the same thing. Especially for keys like “space” or “enter” or “left arrow” or “left shift”. Also gamepad inputs like “left thumbstick” or “right trigger”. I’d rather not localize all of these myself, seems like there should be something out there that has a list of all keyboard and gamepad buttons in different languages.