how would i do something like this in .js( unitys .js wont support while loops)
what i have is a playable area like a real time strategy game(warcraft 3) and i wan the camera to not go beyond the map bounds so how would i lock it to be with in it?
I would start by implementing the reposition code in the Update() function. This function would act as your while loop. To keep the camera locked within a certain position, you could use if statements. While it would ultimately depend on your control setup, here is a basic example of a line you could stick on your camera:
So, here’s how this would work. the transform.position.x is the position of the camera. We check to see if it has gone past the acceptable area. I set this as a range and catch it the second that it leaves the boundary. The second part, xAxis, is a variable that is set to an input, one that would typically return 1, 0, or -1. So, if the player is on the left side of screen boundary, and they are holding down the left arrow key, the movement in the x direction is set to 0 right after the test and the camera will no longer move in that direction. You can set something like that up for the four directions.