In my game, I have couple of levels. At the beginning of the game, I want all of them to be locked, except the first one. At the same time I want the locked levels to have different picture than the unlocked ones (this will probably be done with GUI).
How can I do this?
I have the following code in my scene with level map:
public Texture2D level2_Locked;
public Texture2D level2_Unlocked;
public Texture2D level3_Locked;
public Texture2D level3_Unlocked;
public int levelReached = 0;
levelReached = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("SavedLevel");
void OnGUI () {
if(levelReached == 2)
GUI.Label (new Rect (500,300,50,40),level2_Unlocked);
else if(levelReached == 1)
GUI.Label (new Rect (500,300,50,40),level2_Locked);
if(levelReached == 3)
GUI.Label (new Rect (500,300,50,40),level3_Unlocked);
else if(levelReached == 0)
GUI.Label (new Rect (500,300,50,40),level3_Locked);
And I have PlayerPrefs.SetInt(“SavedLevel”, 3); in other script. Is it possible to have sth like this?