Locomotion System Glitches! Need Answer!

I have a Mac and I downloaded the locomotion system and when the human/hero character walks he glitches and goes crazy. Is this an animation problem? Is it because of the way he walks and when the rHip Ball collider joint fails he practically explodes. I’ll post a few photos.

Here are the pics.

I have the same problem.

If you’ve added the animation through a prefab, it probably lost the straferight and straferunright animations (in the leg setup animations list), just set it properly and you’ll be fine.

Another problem I had was that Locomotion was simply ignoring my leg setup. I took almost a whole day trying multiple different things, until I’ve found out, almost accidentally, that Unity was simply “lost”. As soon as I’ve moved the whole character folder from its original folder to the root level and hit “play”, it started working like magic!

After that I could even move it back to the inner-level folder and it worked flawless since then. Go figure :face_with_spiral_eyes: Anyways, hope these ‘bad experience reports’ help someone using this amazing system. Good luck!