Hello! I’ve encountered a strange issue with the LOD crossfade and Shader Graph material. (LOD Crossfade enabled in material)
- Gray color instead of dithered transparency.
- Some artifacts like the previous frame not cleared?
- Meshes disappear at some moment instead of crossfading.
Default Lit shader works fine, Shader Graph material with LOD Crossfade AND Pixel Depth Offset enabled works fine, but Shader Graph material with LOD Crossfade enabled and Pixel Depth Offset disabled cause issues. I’ve recorded a video with detailed explanations and uploaded a sample project. Created with Unity 6000.0.31f1 and HDRP 17.0.3
As a temporary solution, I can enable Pixel Depth offset in Shader Graph materials to fix LOD Crossfade. But it’s usually related to Parallax Occlusion Mapping? Not sure why it affects LOD Crossfade.