When I saw the mesh joiner script I had to try it out in a big way. I have made a simple three level lod with one kind of oak tree in some grassy hills. The idea is to join several trees together and render that mesh whithout rendering the seperate meshes. I haven’t done that yet but it runs 150 seperate trees pretty fast even on my computer.
However, there’s something strange happening (LOD?) - they kind of flicker (like from lit to full-ambient), and I could not deduct when the alpha dissolves are happening. They seem to be pretty much random, but at some distance.
What are you doing in there? Fading out the trees? Replacing them will billboards?
The best lod is if it is distance based, with no fade based on time.
The main advantage is that, the lod will only change as you move. When you stand still changes are much more visible to the eye, so you want to avoid that.
When you are moving, everything is changing anyway so lod changes are a lot less visible.
So you want to have some distance min and max value between which you cross fade based on where between min and max you are. You can use Mathf.InverseLerp for that purpose.
Is that dissolving/flickering at load happening because the Vegetation Two Pass Shader is rebuffering as the Meshes are combined? It’s a cool looking effect, but probably not what you’re going for.
[Edit] Just read your alpha fading post.
The trees look good, is there anyway you could put out another build where we can move around in the scene?
Oops! sorry about the beta web player issue. I am not sure what flickering you are talking about. It could be my haphazard shader I use, or when the trees are fading in and out the lighting changes slightly between the two meshes and sometimes you can see through parts of the tree while it is changing.
“is there anyway you could put out another build where we can move around in the scene?”
I can move around the scene just fine in the web player. WASD and mouse are the controls. I have had issues with input in web players before…
It looks like I can’t install a stable release and I forgot to keep a stable version for something like this. Darn.
Its Just a C# script that generates huge amounts of billboards around the player live, with some control textures controlling how much grass and what kind of grass should be planted. I’ll make the script available with 1.5.1.