I have meshes with LOD groups in my scene and I have them set to be at max LOD pretty far from the player. It works fine when testing in the Editor, but when building to the headset, the LODs change too close the to the player, so there is so much pop in as the player moves around the map.
Here’s what it loks like in the editor:
Here’s what it looks like in the quest 2:
obviously I want it to look as close to the editor one as possible and just optimize the performance along the way. I’m still quite new to VR development but I have been using Unity professionally for several years.
That would be terrible. Then it would break down completely when interesting binoculars or a sniper scope or a dynamic fov on the main camera or even just changing the default fov.
Basing it on distance would be so naive that it would be a limited toy.