Log 'Curl error 6: Could not resolve host: cdp.cloud.unity3d.com'

The following logs are output by Android build
Curl error 6: Could not resolve host: cdp.cloud.unity3d.com

Is it possible to disable the attempt to ACCESS cdp.cloud.unity3d.com itself?

Unity Version: Unity2022.3.52f1

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What unity services are you accessing, if you enabled analytics or cloud save or ads or frankly any of the unity stuff. Chances are not without removing it from your app

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I see, thank you for your info. I’ll just have to decide not to bother with this log.

Hi @ysalpha

Thanks for reaching out! I do encourage you to share the Unity Services you’re using as @bugfinders originally recommended, as it’s possible it’s something simple causing this, something you’re not even using. Do you know if there are any side effects to the errors, in your application? Are there any successful attempts to reach cdp.cloud.unity3d.com, or only errors? Do you know if there are intermittent issues with network connectivity when this error appears?


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Hi, thanks for your reply!

I can’t seem to get to the Unity Services configuration screen without linking UnityProject and organization. Unity Services is not configured in the first place.
In order to disable Unity Services itself, it is first necessary to configure Unity Services itself to be usable.
Is this the case? The following screen.

I think I get this error because I am not connected to the network.
However, since I want to stop the system from accessing cdp.cloud.unity3d.com itself,
I don’t want the solution of connecting to the network to stop this error from happening.

Hi again @ysalpha ,

Can you share the Unity Editor version as well, and if possible the contents of your manifest.json file (which can be found in the packages folder in your project folder).

If you’d rather share the contents in a private message, feel free to send me a PM!


This is occurring with the Unity version first reported.
Unity Version: Unity2022.3.52f1

But now I have upgraded to Unity6 version and the same behavior is happening here.

Attached is the manifest.json.
manifest.json.txt (2.2 KB)