Log differences between Open GL and DirectX

I can’t believe I just noticed this, but at least under OSX 10.5.5 with the 2.1 version of the Unity runtime, there’s a pretty big difference between the start of the log between OpenGL and Windows:

On my Santa Rosa MacBook Pro under 10.5.5, the Console log says:

Player: init engine
GL: disabling mip map calculation on Render Textures due to memory leak on NVIDIA GeForce 8600 graphics drivers.

On the same machine, under Windows XP in Fusion, the output_log.txt file says:

Audio devices: Generic Hardware (default: Generic Hardware)
Player: init engine
    Version:  Direct3D 9.0c [vmx_fb.dll]
    Renderer: VMware SVGA II
    Vendor:   VMWare
    VRAM:     128 MB
desktop: 1280x798 85Hz; virtual: 1280x798 at 0,0

We’re always telling users to send us the start of their log file to show us what hardware and driver they have.

Is this to say that OpenGL doesn’t report this automatically, or that for some reason the OSX version of the Unity player just isn’t set up to report anything about the system configuration? I know we can manually print that to the log, but I had overlooked that it wasn’t doing that already on OSX.

Yes, OS X player/webplayer does not print that information to the console automatically. I don’t remember why, probably no one thought about making it do it :slight_smile:

I’ll add it for next release.

Thank you Aras!