Logging frameworks/libraries in C#

I have a team working on an app based on Unity3d and i see them using simple print and debug.log() for tracing the flow, finding an error. I come from a C/Python/PHP end and suggested they use multilevel logging(DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) so that they don’t have too-much or too-little amount of logs at any point of debugging.

They for one can’t really look around for it since they don’t really know what they’re looking for. Can the community help?

Change Debug.Log to Debug.LogError, LogWarning ; if you need more levels I’m sure the community will have suggestions like try/catch, exception handling/custom, etc.

Unity gives us those APIs, such as Debug.Log(), Debug.LogWarning(), Debug.LogError(), Debug.LogException(). That’s enough to use.

But if you want to disable all logs in builds, you have two choices:

  1. Remove Debug.LogXXX() in all scripts of the project. But it’s a huge task.
  2. Use the plugin “Disable Logging”. You can disable logs in builds with just one click.

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