This is a Branch of Xandeck’s tutorial.
For the login part go here:
=== Create the PHP file called: check_scoresR.php
// CONNECTIONS =========================================================
$host = "localhost"; //put your host here
$user = "myuser"; //in general is root
$password = "mypassword"; //use your password here
$dbname = "mydatabase"; //your database
mysql_connect($host, $user, $password) or die("Cant connect into database1");
mysql_select_db($dbname)or die("Cant connect into database");
// =============================================================================
$unityHash = $_POST["myform_hash"];
$phpHash = "hashcode"; // same code in here as in your Unity game
$nick = $_POST["myform_nick"];
$pass = md5($_POST["myform_pass"]); // md5 hashes the password
if(!$nick || !$pass)
echo "Login or password cant be empty.";
if ($unityHash != $phpHash)
echo "HASH code is diferent from your game, you infidel.";
$checkuser = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM scores WHERE name='$nick'");
$username_exist = mysql_num_rows($checkuser);
if($username_exist > 0)
echo "I'm sorry but the username you specified has already been taken. Please pick another one.";
if($username_exist = 0)
$query = "INSERT INTO scores (name, password)
VALUES('$nick', '$pass')";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
echo "You have successfully Registered";
Create a new Javascript file and change the name for whatever you want, here I will use phpUnityR.
Put this code on:
private var formNick = ""; //this is the field where the player will put the name to login
private var formPassword = ""; //this is his password
var formText = ""; //this field is where the messages sent by PHP script will be in
var URL = ""; //change for your URL
var hash = "hashcode"; //change your secret code, and remember to change into the PHP file too
private var textrect = Rect (10, 150, 500, 500); //just make a GUI object rectangle
function OnGUI() {
GUI.Label( Rect (10, 10, 80, 20), "Your nick:" ); //text with your nick
GUI.Label( Rect (10, 30, 80, 20), "Your pass:" );
formNick = GUI.TextField ( Rect (90, 10, 100, 20), formNick ); //here you will insert the new value to variable formNick
formPassword = GUI.TextField ( Rect (90, 30, 100, 20), formPassword ); //same as above, but for password
if ( GUI.Button ( Rect (10, 60, 100, 20) , "Register" ) ){ //just a button
GUI.TextArea( textrect, formText );
function Register() {
var form = new WWWForm(); //here you create a new form connection
form.AddField( "myform_hash", hash ); //add your hash code to the field myform_hash, check that this variable name is the same as in PHP file
form.AddField( "myform_nick", formNick );
form.AddField( "myform_pass", formPassword );
var w = WWW(URL, form); //here we create a var called 'w' and we sync with our URL and the form
yield w; //we wait for the form to check the PHP file, so our game dont just hang
if (w.error != null) {
print(w.error); //if there is an error, tell us
} else {
print("Test ok");
formText =; //here we return the data our PHP told us
w.Dispose(); //clear our form in game
formNick = ""; //just clean our variables
formPassword = "";
Put this code inside a game object, or even your Main camera. Just HIT play and it must work
Now, use your imagination and make your game insert data into your database, or return more data, etc.