Logitech Gaming SDK - won't work in build

Hi, I am using a G920 steering wheel and gas pedal to control a game. Works great in the Editor, but cannot get it to work in a build. Seems to be a problem with the LogitechSteeringWheelEnginesWrapper.dll not being found.
I downloaded the steering wheel SDK (from
and placed that dll in the .exe root and also in other places. Have tried to modify the LogitechSDK.cs class to have the dll imports point directly to the file and nothing seems to work. It’s like it just won’t load the dll…

So a reviewer of the Logitech asset for Unity, in the asset store, says it worked great for him in a standalone build. Anyone know who this guy is:

I finally got this working in a build, but I think it was Unity. I upgraded to 2019.3.4f1 and built there - I was in 2019.3.1f1. Now I get a plugins folder within my data folder and all the dll’s are there. Works great now.
Anyone know if this was a thing in 2019.3.1?

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I’m experiencing the same symptoms.
Can you resolve the Unity version without changing it?

Not quite sure about resolving the Unity version. But I think you could make a Plugins/x86_64 folder inside your Data folder upon build - and then place the Logitech gaming dlls in there, it may work. For whatever reason I wasn’t getting that folder created when I built. Upgrading Unity seemed to fix it, though nothing I can find says that was ever an issue.

It was solved by uploading to version 3.7. It was not necessary to change the dll from the previous version. Perhaps it was recognized as 86 (32) in the previous version and could not be accessed.