logo software?

Anyone know what program could be used to make a logo that looks like this?


I’ve tried Gimp and Corel Painter, and neither one seemed to get me that close.


photoshop - but gimp probably could get er done also. What isn’t looking right for you?

Steps to create in photoshop (translate to gimp)

  1. Create text. Make multiple copies of the same text to get the shading and highlight and outline effects like you want.
  2. Duplicate original text layer, select the layer and soften the selection. Shade the duplicated text layer dark (shadow) color and fill the layer. With the soften it will make the edges slightly fuzzy.
  3. Transform skew/slant the selection so it looks like it is a cast shadow from the original text layer.
  4. Draw the snow on top of the letters. Just white for now.
  5. Create a layer effect on the snow layer and select inner bevel. Make the bevel soft, the highlight white and the shadow a light blue color.
  6. Select drop shadow as an additional layer effect and adjust so the shadow under the snow looks how you want it to.
  7. Draw the simple E-mail paper and shadow effect.

There should be lots of tutorials for making logos with the Gimp. I use Inkscape which produces SVG graphics.

Thanks for the tips. Also, by any chance, do you know what font was used in the original?

