Long Delays When Entering Play Mode

Everytime I try to enter Play Mode in the editor.
The modal message, as seen below, indicates “Importing assets”.

This can take ten minutes or more.
I’ve been told it’s a problem using probuilder. This does not seem to be the case.
I’ve been told to turn of Domain Reloading… which does not affect this behavior, and I’m not sure how that would lead to an “Importing assets” delay.

Any suggestions?

Using Unity 2023.2.14f1 on Windows 10

I would run the profiler during this process to see where the overhead is coming from.

Yes, profiler. Not unlikely that this may be due to an editor script that hooks into enter playmode event or simply any component’s Awake/OnEnable/Start, makes some change to assets and thus triggers asset importers, possibly recursively and all over again.