i have been working on a project since march and now have hundreds of C# scripts now. the problem is… after I make a change to any off the scripts I have to wait well over a minuet for unity to finish refreshing before I can test play. this is seriously slowing down my productivity. is there any way to…
A: make unity only check the scripts that have changed.
B: allow Unity to use more of my CPU to check faster.
C: any other ideas that can speed this along.
This is one of those cases where it’s time to consider a solution that isn’t Unity specific.
When a programming project gets big enough that compiling the whole thing becomes a problem, what do other projects do? They break it down into modules.
In Unity’s case, it tends to view all the scripts you provide as one module. About the best you can do is to provide some of those scripts in the form of precompiled DLL files.
You can find more information about using DLLs with Unity in the manual.