【Look Animator】- Realistic look at target animation for your models!

Look Animator is component which is animating bones of your character
to create natural animation of looking at target object.
There is many features to customize, special variables to make animation
more smooth, multi-bone support working well with dynamic characters
or with long necked creatures like dragon etc.

> Link To Asset Store <
> User Manual <

● Includes interactive demo scenes
● Includes full source code
● Easy setup with enchanced inspector window
● Works with humanoid and animal skeletons
● Define how many bones you want use and animator gets them automatically
● One method to set “moment target” for component to focus on extra target for choosed amount of time
● Blend look animation with source animation
● Use “Bones’ compensation” feature to prevent unnatural arms rotation when looking up or down
● Use “Animate with source” feature to keep whole animations motion, very helpful when you need to aim at target and play hit/shot animation, also using it during run or even idle animation makes it look more natural
● Turn off/on component with smooth transition by using one method
● Make look animation more soft with “Ultra Smoother” feature

Release video:


Package now is updated to V1.0.1

  • Fixed last back bone no weight error using Spread Value and upgraded it’s formula
  • Added compensate positions option for bones compensation
  • Added Backbones rotation offset parameter in correction tab
  • Now when you exceed max rotation angle by clamping range it will highlight in red in the inspector window
  • Some minor upgrades in algorithm
  • Added “Prevent 180 Error” option now for testing, but later it will be probably default enabled option, but needs some more work for versatility
  • Added “Change Target Speed” option under “Limiting” tab, when your character is rotating head too fast or too slow when changing / loosing target you can adjust it here

> Link To Asset Store <

Also there is tutorial video for setting up dragon head:

Cool! I find that having characters move their heads as if they are looking at something is a simple but highly-effective way to make your character seem more alive.

I’ve been using Unity’s free head-look-controller script for my project so far. I’ve written some code on top of it to chose a look-at target based on the characters proximity to viable targets. The only problem I’ve been having is that when my code switches from has-target to has-no-target, the character’s head immediately snaps back to animation’s pose with no transition. I’ve been planning to attempt a work-around at some point, but it sounds like your system has already has a smooth transition for when this happens. Is that right?

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Thanks :slight_smile: Yes it have configurable smooth transitioning between targets and bunch of other options to play with :wink:
You can even change target gameObject from inspector window, giving possibility to use it with animated keyframed variables for cutscenes etc.

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Why can not I respond to mobile?
The test on the PC is animating with accurate motion, but this script does not work when playing on the smartphone.

Strange, there should be no difference, I will check it, also try to update package, today was approved quick fix for some stuff. EDIT: (I think I know what caused this and it’s fixed in update)

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It could also be used on the mobile platform.
I appreciate your update.
It is perfectly suited to the character of mixamo and I am satisfied

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@FimpossibleCreations , I bought the controller and I really like the way it automatically handles the problem that mentioned in my previous post. It’s very smooth and natural.

I’m having one problem, though. When a character looks down, with the default settings, it’s doing this weird vulture-neck thing:


I can get rid of this by turning the backbones weight slider and the compensation weight sliders all the way down:

I feel like this is not how it’s intended to work, though. Any ideas?

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Hard to tell, probably something with axes setup on neck bones or maybe bone weights, but not likely.
You can mail me mesh with skeleton (no need for animations) so I can investigate problem.
But also you should try set some value for “Back bones add offset” under “Correcting rotations” tab, maybe it will be solution but not sure.

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Thanks, I sent you the FBX file. In the meantime, I will try some of these other settings. I’m interested in fixing any problems with my blender rig, though, so that I can keep re-using it for other characters.

Edit: Turns out this was just a problem with my blender rig. Thanks to FimpossibleGames for helping me find the issue.

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hi, Do you think it is compatible with THird person controller?

Should be no problem :wink:
Only what you have additionaly to do is movement of main look target point from code or check how it’s done in example scenes.


sure!! Thanks!:slight_smile:

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Hi, Ihave purchased Look Animation Asset. Setup is quite simple but i can not get my rig to look at the target . Instead it only looks away from target. ( see LRA anim Unity.jpg )

Please see attached images one from Unity . Other showing local axes rotaions in Maya.
I had to uncheck { Animate With Source } to stop random flipping /rotations

I have tried lots of different setting in the Correcting Rotations settings.
Im sure there is some offset config that will reverse the rotations .

Also the target object has to be almost on top of the lead bone before any rotations .
no matter if i try changing ditance 0 ( infinity ) to higher number . Still the same trigger distance .

Many Thanks

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Hi Dan, your skeleton looks correct, there is variable “Back Bones Add Offset” in “Correcting Rotations” which can do some stuff here but I think it will not solve whole problem, It’s hard to tell what is going on for now, can you send me mesh file with skeleton on mail? Then I can check it precisely.

If you don’t have keyframes on neck bones then you toggle “Animate with source” off, but when you will have some animation here, it’s good to turn it on then.

So problem here was forward axis of main game object pointing in reversed direction, fixing it solves the problem :wink:

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Hi! Is there a function to change targets, or turn off look animation via click? Thanks.

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Not sure what you mean by “via click” but you can check “FLookAnimator_Demo_TriggeredMomentTarget.cs” component which is changing target for LookAnimator when player game object enter trigger collider.

You have methods like “SetLookTarget”, “SetMomentLookTarget” and to turn off look animator you execute method SwitchLooking(false, timeInSeconds)

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I see…Thank you very much, I just purchased it yesterday so I haven’t able to explore all the demos yet…Anyway, it is an excellent asset, fit for my game…:slight_smile:


Curious if this could be used in a boxing game to target the punching?

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Just for head or to aim arm?
If for head it could work with some additional controll on some variables through code in certain situations (but I am not totally sure)
Arm aim could be more difficult but if you would like to use just spine bones to aim it could be easier.

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