Look At Target / CM Collider bug(?)


I believe I may have encountered a bug. I’m using Cinemachine v2.10.1 in 2022.3.41f1.

On my Virtual Camera I have a Framing Transposer and a POV component as well as a Cinemachine Collider script (You can find settings below).

Whenever I have a Look At target assigned, no matter what the target is, the collision of the camera becomes unpredictable. It will go through things or zoom in at the pivot point of the follow target (instead of the Framing Transposer center point like it normally does). I’m not sure if this is intended behavior or not but it’s rather unfortunate! Please let me know if this is indeed a bug or if I can change something somewhere to rectify this.

Framing Transposer Settings:

POV Settings:

Collider Settings: