Looking for a Bubbles Particle Effect

i’m looking for Bubbles Particle Effect.
Can#T get it done with the Standart Particle…
if someone has done this would like to share …

thank you very much

kerstin :sweat_smile:

It should take you about 10 seconds to draw one in Photoshop using the gradient tool. :wink: But, to save you 10 seconds, here’s one:



Wow Eric !
you make my day ! :stuck_out_tongue:
Sorry for this stupid question… just starting with the Particle System :shock:
So many settings to choose from… :wink:
big thank you Eric !

So there is still a question in head:
Is it possible to change the color random in a specific range ?

here is the script i like to use:

Shader "Nice Alpha" {
	Properties {
		_LitColor ("Lit Color", Color) = (.5, .5, .5, .5)
		_DarkColor ("Dark Color", Color) = (.5, .5, .5, .5)
		_MainTex ("Base (RGB) Alpha (A)", 2D) = "white" {}
		_Cutoff ("Base Alpha cutoff", Range (0,.9)) = .5

	SubShader {
		Pass {
			Material {
				Diffuse [_LitColor]
				Ambient [_LitColor]

			Lighting On
			Cull back

			AlphaTest Greater [_Cutoff]
			SetTexture [_MainTex] {
				ConstantColor [_DarkColor]
				combine constant + primary, texture

			SetTexture [_MainTex] {

				combine previous * texture, texture

i would like to change the Lit Color and the Dark Color randomly in a specific color Range and Time. Is it possible on iPhone ?

thank you

kerstin :sweat_smile:

… this i was using for Bubbles…

maybe it’s also useful for you :wink:

kerstin :sweat_smile:


I make bubbles like that in the bath.