Looking for a Real Voxel Tutorial

Hey everyone, I’m just going to cut to the chase here:
I have been searching and searching for days in the slight hope that i could find a voxel tutorial for unity (Probably not well enough, but the raw information bits in posts like After Playing Minecraft etc aren’t helping too much) I know that for world generation, perlin noise would help, but I am lost from there. I was wondering if anyone could point me towards some getting started guides (for the record, I am not making a MineCraft clone) preferably in JavaScript, but I could adapt to C# if necessary.


I think there is a semi-tutorial explanation in one of the graphics gems books.

I think I can understand some of the basic concepts used, just lack the ability to implement it in Unity3d (if that makes any sense)

If that’s where your at maybe better to spend some more time on the Unity basics? What resource are you using at the moment and what part of the implementation is causing issues?

Old thread, but I was aiming to make a terrain like this, not perfectly rounded, a bit more square. Any tips or anything?

No engines (other than VoxelForm, its discontinued) or anything? I’ve searched and searched to no avail