Looking for a simple Skidmarks Script that work on iPhone

well i’m looking for a simple Script to paint Skidmarks like from Wheels on the Ground for the iPhone. I test the Vehicles Skidmark Skript but that gives me to many errors so i was looking for a simpler one with less performance suck because it’s for the iPhone…
So if someone have a Script and like to share - THANK YOU
Any suggestion how too would be also fine.
… and if the Script is in C# i would buy it :wink:

many many thxxx have a nice day :slight_smile:

The simplest way to do it is using the particle system and raycast vertically onto the ground to get the collision point and normal. then you create a new particle and position orient it accordingly.

hmm do you know maybe know a example where i can see it ?

A trail turning on and off should do the trick…

hmmm nice idea never come up with that… i try it !
many thxxx :stuck_out_tongue:

when you use the a trail renderer for each wheel you end up with a lot of draw calls. I have 4 cars in my game that are causing 60-120 additional draw calls. Is there any way to combine the trail renderers to reduce draw calls?