Looking for assets that works well with Mirror.

I want to speed up the process of prototyping of my multiplayer game.
For my multiplayer game I need an asset that will work well with mirror networking library.
These are the asset I might need.

  • Inventory system
  • Skill tree and Skill usage
  • 3rd person WASD character controller

Any suggestions? I am not against the process of developing my own but if an existing solution exist I would love to try that first.

Did you search the Asset Store?

I took a two tier approach to this. First, I spent a decent amount of time getting to know the various engines that Vis2k already has out there which do a LOT of what you want (check out uSurvival and uMMO (2d and 3d)) and then I read the documentation for Mirror 3 times and started working on my own code. I’m still struggling, but It is exciting to see the progress that I’ve made along the way!

I agree with CodeSmile though – there are a TON of great assets up on the asset store which might not be “drop in and go” solutions, but they are definitely great places to start. Also worth noting that there is a very active community up on discord for mirror, so don’t feel like you have to go it alone!

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yes but I find it hard to look for products that works well with mirror out of the box.
Yes, there are some asset that works right out of the box like the voice chat for mirror and some minor template project for mirror but it is not what I specifically looking for.

Thanks for the heads up! I agree with looking at sample projects ! I checked out the uSurvival, I think this is the one I might need to startup my idea really fast. Thanks