Looking for funn stuff to programm

There are some very cool thinks besides from games you can programm like lindenmayer system or langtons ant.

What I got so far is…
Mandelbrot set, langtons ant, lindenmayer system, conways game of life and some noise functions.

And i am looking for more stuff like this.

many interesting stuff on these,
Category:Programming Tasks - Rosetta Code (all kinds of small algorithms in different languages)
http://www.redblobgames.com/ (AI, procedural gen, path finding…)
Category:Articles - RogueBasin (2d dungeon generation, visibility)


Thx Category:Programming Tasks - Rosetta Code looks really promising.

Just so many links to check :wink:

Flocking behaviour is always fun

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yeh do dem boids brah :wink:

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Flocking behavior looks awesome will post some pics when I am done

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Spell checkers are also a bunch of fun. The classic algorithm work for suggestions is done by calculating the Damerau-Levenshtein distance of words.


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After i got pissed off by uniyts threading policy i switched to java here 2 pics of 2500 boids doing boid stuff .
There is still to mutch overlapping and i wonder how good they can handle a maze :slight_smile:

Cool! If you want to implement a fun algorithm I recomend marching cubes. The result is usually pretty sweet.

Yea was thinking about to implement it into my voxel “engine” and it is definitely on the to do list