Looking for good books / lessons / YT videos on Unity Architecture.

Hi. I’m a Unity and C# newbie and i’m working on a small scale project that i set myself to accomplish in order to learn both C# and Unity. However more often than not i encounter various issues, that i have to go on the Unity Forums with in order to resolve. While the forums are very kind to newcomers and are insanely helpful, thanks to many great members of the Unity Community, i still more often than not find myself thinking that if i knew more about how Unity works and all of its caveats, i wouldn’t have to ask those questions in the first place and maybe come up with the solutions that fit my particular project. I have watched official Unity tutorials, popular Unity content creators but still, it does not feel enough.
While the official documentation is good for reference, it’s too “dry” to get a comprehensive understanding of Unitys architecture.

While i understand that knowledge comes with experience and that some things can only be learned by making projects, i really want to get a better understanding of Unity. Thanks for any reccomendations.

I suggest ignoring unity structure for now and focus on learning C# especially those more advanced task. You can still use unity but keep it simple.

then once you have a good understanding you can try figure out what is what inside unity. that because the engine is very complex with a lot of areas that requires extensive knowledge about different fields. from how 3D works, animations, textures, shaders, memory management, whatever, lot of complicated stuff. Take one at the time and programming looks like a good foundation to build on.

Also once you dive into how unity works most of the time you will find that the most advanced stuff inside unity don’t work correctly or more specifically needs to be used on precise use scenarios and will break if you try to adapt it to something else.

Also there is a “fog of knowledge” where some of the unity inside workings are kept secret. You will get back to the forum and you will find some user trying to guess how this actually works :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your response, dorusoftware! So essentially there is no “universal encyclopedia” of sorts for Unity and even if there was one, it would not be of much use, correct?

Thank you for clarifying the advanced stuff bit, because one of the things i was curious about is learning how to use the “behind the scenes” workings of Unity for my game development. I think i’ll have to stick with asking questions then for now :slight_smile:

I guess as far as a programmer is concerned, the useful part of the “architecture” is to know the monobehaviour events, since these are your entry-points into the Unity engine, You might find this page useful:

This a reference for when these events execute over the course of a single frame.

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What programming languages and frameworks do you have experience within, and to what extent?

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Thank you for posting that link. I seem to have completely overlooked it at first, but now looking into it, it’s VERY useful to me.

Only C# and no frameworks, sadly. C# beginner. I’ve looked through the official Unity tutorials, popular Unity YouTubers, etc.