Looking for information about .FBX framerates and unity

Hi guys!

First thread here (I’ll try to be precise).
I have an issue and I am sure the answer is simple but I just don’t know it and I didn’t find anything on the internet.

I am working on a small indie game and I am 3D animator.The game has fighting mechanics and everything is animation based (hitboxes, root motion).

We are using standard settings I guess for our animations inside unity:
generic type and an avatar created from another avatar.
The game runs at 60 FPS and we are exporting all our animation files at 30FPS (FBX).

  • I’d like to know what does it imply for unity (ressources) to run an FBX (exported at 30 FPS) or an FBX (exported at 60FPS) especially because the game runs at 60 FPS.
  • Is it a problem to have 30 FPS animations and 60 FPS animations on the same project/character (will it create problems)?

I am trying to optimize my baking process to better control the animations (fix glitches, and wrong interpolation) I am sending to unity but I am afraid to bring some other issues with my tool.


Perform a test
1 simple walk cycle at 60 fps
1 simple walk cycle at 30 fps
export/import both and compare.
Update post with your findings. :slight_smile:

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Of course, I’m just a creator like everyone else, so don’t take what I say as gospel. I recently just had a big debate with my coder about this. She seems to think that just because we are updating code at 60 fps, that the animation should be also. Immediately tho, you should see the problem with thinking this way when you make the FBX. It will be considerably larger.

Now, I’m a self taught animator, but I have created for many different kinds of platforms and media. It is my experience that animation fps, is really determined by the motion you are trying to create, not by the game engine. Game engines really need 60 fps for the physics, because objects can be flying at such a speed that you won’t really see it well with less than 60 fps. It’s the same principle with animation, but people don’t move as fast as bullets, so they don’t need 60 fps. A punch, or like Micheal Jackson dance moves might require 30 fps or a little more, but pretty much everything else can be handled with less than 30 fps. Heck, an idle animation could be 4 fps, if you wanted. As far as I know, there is no reason at all that you should have any problems with animations at different frame rates. Just my thoughts.

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